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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear- Book Review
The very first thing that drew me to this book is the Ted talk I listened to about a month ago on YouTube by Elizabeth Gilbert. The talk is almost the gist of the book she wrote years after.

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My views on the book:
First of all, this particular book, Big Magic, doesn’t really address everyone.
If you are looking for a step-by-step guide book about gaining success or knowledge about any particular subject, this book is not for you. It might be the reason why you may see a lot of negative reviews about it on Goodreads.
I was skeptical to read this at first…but went on to read it anyway!
Gilberts admits to the fact that she wrote this book for her; She doesn’t necessarily keep anybody in mind while writing this book, though in my opinion she kind of did. This book is for those who want to be creative, anyone who is willing to seek out the creative genius that might already exist in your surroundings.
Gilberts explores what it takes to be creative.
She breaks it down to us through her writing journey. In her words being creative includes paying attention to the idea that knocks on your doorstep. Nurturing it to create something out of it. However, if you fail to acknowledge the idea it will leave you to find its way to someone else with no intention of coming back to your life.
A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”
Another emphasis is on the idea of “eating the shit”. Just like any other job, creativity or writing comes with miseries and failures. You have to be ready to accept it and keep working at it.
As I mentioned earlier this is not a guide book, there is nothing instructional here. Which may be why I believe this is a great way to write a book.
Interestingly, Big Magic allows you to start reading from anywhere in the book. Since it follows a pattern of short stories you don’t really have to follow it chapter by chapter.
“Creative entitlement doesn’t mean behaving like a princess, or acting as though the world owes you anything whatsoever. No, creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here, and that—merely by being here—you are allowed to have a voice and a vision of your own.”– Elizabeth Gilbert
It’s about identifying the creativity that is floating around you to get your attention, showing up yourself, and creating something magical. And also encourage you to continue pursuing creativity even though it can’t create “The magic” every time it shows up.

Although mostly Gilbert talks about the process of becoming a writer I strongly recommend it for anybody who is in the creative process, even though they are not necessarily a writer. But bear in mind that most of the examples you may find in the book are that of writers.
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In my opinion, if you are a creative soul, this is a kind of book you can go read again and again when you need some encouragement.
If nothing feels right, just sit down and read this book. Once you do that I am sure you can get back to your job fully recharged and full of enthusiasm to create something extraordinary!
So will I read this again?
Most definitely yes! In fact, I bought the book so that I can go back to it and read it again and again…
Sounds like something you’d enjoy? Then you can pick it up from your library or buy it from AMAZON!

Time For your Action:
Have you read Big magic yet? Do you love reading books on creativity or writing? Let me know in the comments.
Always curious to hear from you,