

Written and Visual contents:

All blog content is written and edited by me, Stephy George. This site is intended as a personal representation of my views on food, skincare, books and blogging. I am not an expert in any of these subjects. The information and opinions provided in this blog related to skincare, nutrition, and health can’t be taken as a prescription for treating skin or health condition. I request consulting a medical professional for such matters.


Concerning Credits & Re-using Recipes and Images:

Most of the images are photographed by me some are occasionally used from free domain or used by revealing the source. You may borrow the material from this blog after seeking permission from me.


Links provided in the posts:

Most of the images are photographed by me some are occasionally used from free domain or used by revealing the source. You may borrow the material from this blog after seeking permission from me.

Work With Me

No matter if you’re looking to advertise, collaborate through a sponsorship, or if you’re interested to write about your bosom friend, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to connect on the contact page!